Wow, guys! What a crazy and busy week it was. I am so glad it is over. Last night was so peaceful. The kids fell asleep on me while we were watching TV, and I just thought to myself, "How lucky am I?" I am so lucky and grateful to have my kids. And they love me, faults and all. Unconditionally. As I do, them. This weekend is going to be pretty quiet. Full of laundry, cleaning, and all things domestic. I wish I could say we we're doing something fun and exciting, but it's hard to do fun and exciting things in dirty underwear, right?! Haha! Tomorrow we are going to the Williams house for Sunday Funday Pizza Night. I just made that up. I'll work on it. I met with my advisor again. I have my first 4 semesters mapped out. And, even though I have to take a college prep math course that will not count towards my degree credit hours, after 1 full year, I will be halfway done with the AA portion of my degree. So, though I originally thought this may take me 6-8 y...