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Showing posts from November, 2015

I get it.

Wow, guys! What a crazy and busy week it was. I am so glad it is over. Last night was so peaceful. The kids fell asleep on me while we were watching TV, and I just thought to myself, "How lucky am I?" I am so lucky and grateful to have my kids. And they love me, faults and all. Unconditionally. As I do, them. This weekend is going to be pretty quiet. Full of laundry, cleaning, and all things domestic. I wish I could say we we're doing something fun and exciting, but it's hard to do fun and exciting things in dirty underwear, right?! Haha! Tomorrow we are going to the Williams house for Sunday Funday Pizza Night. I just made that up. I'll work on it.  I met with my advisor again. I have my first 4 semesters mapped out. And, even though I have to take a college prep math course that will not count towards my degree credit hours, after 1 full year, I will be halfway done with the AA portion of my degree. So, though I originally thought this may take me 6-8 y...

An open letter to my son's teacher

You make the difference. For moms like me who are working their tail off to ensure success for their child/children, it is YOU who makes the difference when I, otherwise, cannot be there. As a single mother trudging through the first couple years of school with my littles, I have been astounded by the support of wonderful teachers my kids have been so lucky to have. Specifically my son. I could go on and on about how wonderful, sweet, caring, and gentle he is. But let's get down to the nitty gritty. It's been a very tough transition. Lucas, for the past couple of years has had to endure change. When this change started happening,  it was realized that he doesn't do so well with it. Sometimes, change polarizes him. He withdrawls. He acts out. He basically becomes the worst version of himself. Let me be clear, I don't think badly of him. We all have a side we don't like of ourselves. That's a simple explanation to a very difficult matter we have been facing as ...

Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn, and cauldron bubble!

Halloween 2015 was a success! It started out with some snags, though! For weeks we have been talking about what the kids wanted to dress up as. Their minds changed often! Finally, the kids decided on a kitty ballerina and a vampire. I get the bad mom award for shopping too late for these costumes. Yesterday, I went out and got Lucas his vampire costume (the only one in the store in his size). He was so excited. I searched high and low in Crestview with absolutley no luck for Autumn's accessories; kitty ears, tail, and bow tie. At 930 pm Friday night, since the kids were with my mom, I drove down to Niceville Walmart and picked up the rest of her costume. We were finally ready. Or not. It is a darn good thing we decided to try Lucas' costume on yesterday morning. It was an ADULT size costume that had been stuffed in a child's costume bag. What were we going to do now?!? I took his costume back to the store. I knew Walgreens had a Darth Vader costume a couple weeks a...