You make the difference. For moms like me who are working their tail off to ensure success for their child/children, it is YOU who makes the difference when I, otherwise, cannot be there.
As a single mother trudging through the first couple years of school with my littles, I have been astounded by the support of wonderful teachers my kids have been so lucky to have. Specifically my son. I could go on and on about how wonderful, sweet, caring, and gentle he is. But let's get down to the nitty gritty. It's been a very tough transition. Lucas, for the past couple of years has had to endure change. When this change started happening, it was realized that he doesn't do so well with it. Sometimes, change polarizes him. He withdrawls. He acts out. He basically becomes the worst version of himself. Let me be clear, I don't think badly of him. We all have a side we don't like of ourselves. That's a simple explanation to a very difficult matter we have been facing as a family.
I was so optimistic that the change to Kindergarten would be so wonderful for him. Lucas thrives on structure. Without it, he becomes a little wild. Where there is choas, Lucas becomes chaotic. It's been a harder transition than we imagined. I've had lot of phone calls at work. We've had lots of talks about respect and self control. There have even been tears shed (both him and I). But there is one common denominator that has been a consistent bright light of hope; his teacher. She has been supportive, patient, uplifting, and more importantly, honest with Lucas. He strives for better days. He strives to be the best he can be. Had we gotten a teacher without all of these wonderful qualities, I am sure that Lucas would already feel defeated and might have given up by now.
So teachers- yes, you!! The ones who put their energy into the kids who have trouble. The ones who refuse to label those children as "bad." I salute you. I respect you. I cherish you. I thank you. Our home is a happier place at night because of the work you do at school. It makes me feel like the work I do at home is not in vain when he walks into your classroom.
Teachers do not get enough credit for what they do. In this day and age, people don't have enough respect or admiration for the people who care for and teach their child for 35+ hours a week. Sure, there will be bad apples. But most teachers who enter into the profession love children and want to truly make a difference. And I see it. I see you! You have made a difference in our life.
So again, I say thank you. Thank you for taking the time to help my boy. He leaves your classroom, good day or not, feeling like tomorrow is another day to make a positive change. Another day to start over and do better next time. And he has. And he will. And for that... I can never express you to my gratitude for advocating for my child, when for so long, I thought I would be alone in this.
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