The things I don’t say. But I want to. I am way too nice. I have my moments. But chances are, if you ask me for help, I am there. I will do anything for you. But I will not ask you for help. I am infinitely capable of handling anything and everything on my own. At least that it what I will tell you. Please know, that is a lie and I am incapable of asking for assistance. Pride? I don’t know. I just know that I do this thing, even when I am using the last ounce of energy I have left to do so. And I would not imagine putting anyone else out in the process. I think it is a waste of life to be spiteful. I have witnessed so many people this past year use spite as a weapon. And I think that is a good portion of what is wrong with the world. WHY is everyone so angry? My gosh, just try to be loving. It really is not that hard. Forgiveness really does release your heart from pain that you shouldn’t have to carry. I know this deeply and most personally. Oh, and I guess I will be ta...